Introducing The

Energy Integration System (EIS)

"Unlock Limitless Possibilities: Introducing the Energy Integration System (EIS) for Unleashing Your Inner Power!"

The Energy Integration System (EIS) is a groundbreaking and transformative process that merges the powerful cutting-edge neuroscientific techniques. This holistic approach is designed to facilitate profound shifts and lasting change by harmoniously integrating the mind, body, and energy.

Through the EIS, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, gaining a deep understanding of the intricate connections between your thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and energetic patterns. By addressing these aspects in unison, EIS unlocks the potential for holistic transformation.

"Master Your Emotions and Rise as an Inspirational Leader"

Techniques are employed to restore balance and harmony within your energetic system. By clearing blockages, releasing stagnant energy, and aligning the body's energy centers, you will experience a renewed sense of vitality and a greater connection to your authentic self.

Furthermore, the EIS incorporates cutting-edge neuroscientific techniques that leverage the brain's plasticity and capacity for change. These techniques help rewire neural pathways, promoting new thought patterns, emotional resilience, and empowering behaviours.

What is the Energy Integration System


Unlocking the Key to Professional Empowerment with the Energy Integration System (EIS)!"

Key components of the Energy Integration System include:

Neuro-Energetic Repatterning:

This innovative method targets the deep-rooted neural pathways associated with limiting beliefs and negative patterns. By accessing the subconscious mind and working with the energetic body, Neuro-Energetic Repatterning promotes profound transformation and aligns individuals with their desired outcomes.

We tap into the subconscious mind, where beliefs and behaviours are formed. This allows us to identify and rewire those limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. By instilling empowering thought patterns and reshaping your mindset, you'll experience a newfound sense of confidence and belief in your abilities.

Energy healing complements the process by addressing the energetic imbalances that can hinder your progress. Harmony utilizes various energy healing techniques to clear blockages, release stagnant energy, and restore harmony within your energetic system. This holistic approach ensures that your mind, body, and energy are in alignment, creating a solid foundation for your personal and professional growth.

Neuro-Energetic Repatterning is not just about temporary fixes; it's about long-lasting transformation. By working with Harmony, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering the hidden potential within you. As you release old patterns and embrace new ways of thinking, you'll witness a profound shift in your mindset and a renewed sense of purpose.

Somatic Awareness and Release:

Through the practice of body scanning, you develop a heightened awareness of the sensations and messages held within your body. This process allows you to identify areas of tension, trauma, or energetic imbalances that may be hindering your personal and professional growth. By bringing conscious attention to these areas, you pave the way for their release and healing.

Breath work plays a vital role in somatic awareness and release. By consciously directing your breath, you activate your body's innate ability to release tension and stagnant energy. Through specific breathing techniques, you create a flow of vital energy that supports the release of emotional or energetic blocks, promoting a sense of lightness and expansion.

Guided visualization further enhances the process by engaging the power of your imagination and subconscious mind. Through visualization, you can explore and transform the energetic landscapes within your body, releasing trauma, tension, or imbalances. Guided imagery and visualization provide a safe and effective means to reframe past experiences and create new empowering narratives.

By incorporating somatic awareness and release into your journey with the Energy Integration System, you gain the tools to address the underlying causes of limitations and achieve deep healing. This holistic approach acknowledges the profound connection between the body and mind, enabling you to create a harmonious and balanced state of being.

As you engage in somatic awareness and release, you unlock your potential to experience increased well-being, emotional freedom, and personal empowerment. By releasing tension, trauma, or energetic imbalances, you open the pathway for personal growth, creativity, and a deeper connection to your authentic self.

Multidimensional Healing:

Multidimensional Healing offers a transformative approach that combines various modalities to address imbalances across multiple dimensions of your being. By working with subtle energies, this process supports holistic healing and promotes overall well-being at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

Harmony brings forth modalities tap into the subtle energetic forces that permeate your being, allowing for deep and comprehensive healing.

Healing opens channels to universal life force energy to promote balance and harmony within your energetic system. Harmony addresses imbalances at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, encouraging the body's innate healing capacity to restore optimal functioning.

By working holistically and addressing imbalances at multiple levels, you are provided with a comprehensive and transformative healing experience. Through the integration of these energy healing modalities, you can tap into the profound wisdom of your body, emotions, mind, and spirit, promoting overall well-being and alignment.

Mind-Body Integration:

Mind-Body Integration, a cornerstone of the Energy Integration System (EIS) developed by Harmony Woodington, offers a transformative approach that combines various techniques to establish a profound connection between your mind and body. Through the integration of kinesiology, mindfulness practices, and body-mind awareness, you can optimize your health, tap into your inner resources, and show up with strength and energy in any situation.

Through mindfulness, you learn to observe your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment or attachment. This heightened awareness of your internal dialogue allows you to update your mental operating system, freeing yourself from limiting beliefs and thought patterns that may be hindering your progress. By cultivating mindfulness, you gain the ability to respond to situations with clarity, presence, and resilience.

Body-mind awareness through self-communication is another essential aspect of Mind-Body Integration. By developing a deeper connection and understanding of your body's messages, you can optimize your health and well-being without relying on cookie-cutter weight loss programs. Through self-communication, you learn to listen to your body's unique needs and make choices that support its vitality and balance. This approach empowers you to tap into the aspects of your mind that are required for any given situation, allowing you to show up with strength, energy, and authenticity as opportunities arise.

Mind-Body Integration offers a holistic approach to well-being, bringing together the power of kinesiology, mindfulness, and self-communication. By integrating these practices into your life, you unlock the potential for optimal health, balance, and inner harmony. You become attuned to the wisdom of your body and mind, enabling you to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Future Self Activation:

Through this process, you will co-create a life plan that aligns with your deepest aspirations, anchoring it into your subconscious mind and harnessing the power of your own mind to manifest the future you have designed.

During the Future Self Activation sessions, we will embark on a journey of exploration and transformation, walking through each aspect of your life. Together, we will clarify your vision and define future goals that resonate with your authentic self. By anchoring these goals into your subconscious mind, you gain the ability to tap into your innate wisdom and align your actions with your future aspirations.

You will unlock the power within you to shape your own destiny. By accessing the insights and guidance of your future self, you can gain clarity on your purpose, values, and desires. This process allows you to overcome limiting beliefs and self-imposed barriers, enabling you to step into your full potential with confidence and determination.

As we create a life plan together, we will address various dimensions of your life, including relationships, career, health, personal growth, and more. By aligning each aspect of your life with your future aspirations, you set yourself on a path of intentional and purposeful living.

The Future Self Activation process is designed to help you bridge the gap between your current reality and the future you envision. By cultivating a deep connection with your future self, you tap into the wellspring of wisdom, creativity, and inspiration that lies within you. With this newfound clarity and alignment, you can navigate life's challenges with resilience, make empowered choices, and manifest the life you have designed.

Energetic Alignment Techniques:

Through Energetic Alignment Techniques, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Harmony's extensive experience and deep understanding of the spiritual world, acquired over a decade of practice, provide a unique perspective that sets her teachings apart from traditional practitioners. Her approach empowers you to remember who you truly are and to tap into the limitless power that resides within you.

Gone are the days of adhering to dictated spiritual practices that leave you feeling like a secondary citizen, burdened with guilt and shame. Harmony's teachings empower you to embrace spirituality as an individual path, creating a practice that is unique to you and resonates with your authentic self. It's about accessing the all-encompassing buffet of spiritual wisdom and insights that the universe has to offer and integrating them into your own personal journey.

Energetic Alignment Techniques recognize that spirituality is not a set of rigid rules imposed upon you, but rather a profound and personal exploration of your connection to the greater cosmic energies. By working with meridians, chakras, and other energy centers, you can optimize the flow of vital life force energy throughout your being, promoting balance, harmony, and well-being.

These techniques go beyond surface-level practices and invite you to dive deep into your own spiritual essence. By aligning your energetic field with your goals and intentions, you tap into your inherent power to manifest and create the life you desire.

Dive in a new world!

What can Energy Integration System (EIS) do for you?

Gain Emotional Mastery:

With the Energy Integration System (EIS), you'll develop a profound understanding of your emotions and learn how to effectively navigate them in a professional setting.

By gaining control over your emotional responses, you'll make sound decisions, communicate with clarity, and maintain composure even in challenging situations.

This newfound emotional mastery will set you apart as a confident and composed professional, fostering trust and respect among colleagues and superiors.

Enhance Leadership Skills:

The EIS empowers you to unlock your leadership potential by honing essential skills. Through the integration of mind, body, and energy, you'll cultivate self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and effective communication abilities.

As you become attuned to your own strengths and limitations, you'll also develop a keen understanding of others, enabling you to inspire and motivate your team.

With the Energy Integration System, you'll elevate your leadership capabilities and become a catalyst for success in your business or career.

Sustain Peak Performance:

The EIS equips you with the tools to maintain peak performance consistently. By optimizing your mental and emotional well-being, you'll reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that can hinder productivity and creativity.

The Energy Integration System helps you build resilience, enhance focus, and tap into a state of flow, allowing you to consistently deliver your best work.

By nurturing your overall well-being, the EIS supports your long-term success, enabling you to thrive in your business or career and achieve sustainable excellence.


My name is Harmony Woodington C.Ht.

As an experienced executive coach and best-selling author on relationships, I have spent over a decade dedicated to helping individuals and organizations reach their full potential. My coaching approach blends cutting-edge research with effective systems, frameworks, and methods to help clients achieve lasting transformation.

I have a proven track record of helping professionals enhance their leadership skills, guiding business owners to grow their companies and become effective leaders, and supporting front-line workers dealing with extreme stress, anxiety, and PTSD. My coaching has also helped professionals in the corporate world make the jump to entrepreneurship, find balance in multiple responsibilities, and maintain successful romantic relationships.

Whether you’re facing personal life challenges that impact your professional life, working in a high-pressure industry like film, or struggling with stress leave, I understand the importance of balancing both personal and work life. My coaching services are designed to provide you with the support and guidance you need to succeed in all aspects of your life.

I am committed to being your ally, helping you navigate obstacles and challenges, and cheering you on every step of the way. No matter your circumstances, my coaching services are designed to improve your overall well-being and help you achieve success. Let’s work together to unlock your full potential and become the master of your own mind and emotions.

Client Testimonials

Some love words from clients

Welcome to the world of limitless possibilities!

Elevate Your Life's Legacy with the Energy Integration System (EIS)

Seize the opportunity to define a legacy enriched by profound experiences, unparalleled wisdom, and unbounded personal growth. EIS empowers you to harness the challenges of life as catalysts for a legacy that truly matters.

Reclaim control over your journey. Let EIS be your guiding light towards a life of unlimited potential.

Take the next step on your transformative path by booking a call with Harmony today. Together, we'll unveil the boundless possibilities awaiting your ascendancy.

I empower professionals and entrepreneurs to conquer their emotions, unleash their full potential, and achieve the success they deserve.

Call 778-828-8503


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